Veterinary Oncology Group – OnGo

BAS07677 Chiron en Bas 2-1 crop
bernard actie foto microscoop 2-1 crop
BAS07763 marit en microscoop 2-1 crop
C1 20x different focus organoid crop 2-1 beide organoids
BAS07772 Sara en Marit bij microscoop 2-1 crop
Foto rondleiding_2014_v02 (pdt)_BvN_klein 2-1 crop
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Very successful ECVIM 2024! Congratulations for Kirsten, she won the first price in the ESVE oral abstract competition with the presentation “Steroid profiling in canine adrenocortical incidentalomas”. Awarded by MSD and allows her to present at ACVIM Forum next year.

Marit van den Berg had a presentation about “Canine Pheochromocytoma organoids: an in vitro model to explore treatment options”.

Sara Galac launched her book: Canine Endocrinology with Federico Fracassi.