Fundamental Oncology
Our focus lies in the exploration and advancement of techniques aimed at comprehending the potential malignancy of cells, and how they can acquire pluripotency, with a focus on of stem cell therapies.
Malignancy of stem cells
Stem cells are valuable tools for modeling human and animal diseases, as well as a source of differentiated cells for use in regenerative medicine and drug discovery. Paramount to the application of stem cells in medicine is the assurance of genetic stability. The presence of genetic changes, together with their increased growth rates raise concerns related to potential malignancy (cancer) and safety of stem cells for clinical applications. The group studies mechanisms of tumorigenesis of human and animal stem cells, and works on the characterization and validation of in vivo and in vitro models for studying human and animal diseases.
Induced pluripotency
Pluripotent stem cells can be valuable tools to develop drug and study toxicity. Part of the research is aimed at developing induced pluripotent stem cells from different animal species. The data will help to understand the epigenetic changes that are needed for nuclear reprogramming and culture conditions that allow capturing and maintaining pluripotency.