Veterinary Oncology Group – OnGo

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Maurice Zandvliet 2022 met versneller 2-1 crop
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Congrats for Elpetra and team for the publication: In vivo effects of a GHR synthesis inhibitor during prolonged treatment in dogs, in Pharmaceuticals.

Marit van den Berg and co-authors published manuscript titled “Metabolomic profiling of pheochromocytomas in dogs: catecholamine phenotype and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites” in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Congratulations!

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Very successful ECVIM 2024! Congratulations for Kirsten, she won the first price in the ESVE oral abstract competition with the presentation “Steroid profiling in canine adrenocortical incidentalomas”. Awarded by MSD and allows her to present at ACVIM Forum next year. Marit van den Berg had a presentation about “Canine Pheochromocytoma organoids: an in vitro model…

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New publication

Congrats to Maurice Zandvliet and colleagues from UMC Utrecht on their paper: Pre-existing subclones determine radioresistance in rectal cancer organoids. They use organoid technology and single-cell karyotype sequencing to track subclonal evolution in response to irradiation.

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New publication

Congrats to Marit van den Berg and Sara Galac on their clinical review paper in Companion Animal: “Canine phaeochromocytoma: a guide to diagnosis and treatment”.

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New publication

Kirsten van Bokhorst and colleagues published: Laparoscopic vs. open adrenalectomy: perioperative data and survival analysis in 70 dogs with an adrenal tumor in Front Vet Sci. Congrats!

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New publication

Congrats to Marit van den Berg and her co-authors on their paper published in Frontiers: “Whole transcriptome analysis of canine pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma”. This article has been created through collaboration between Utrecht University and several veterinary faculties and centers, including Ghent University, University of Bologna, and Anicura Veterinary Clinic Roma Sud. Given the current lack…

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New publication

Congrats to Hanna Versteegh on her paper in Animals: Feline Lymphoma: Patient Characteristics and Response Outcome of the COP-Protocol in Cats with Malignant Lymphoma in The Netherlands

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New publication

A novel antifolate suppresses growth of FPGS-deficient cells and overcomes methotrexate resistance. Elpetra Timmermans contributed to this paper together with the UMCU. Felix van der Krift et al discribe a novel antifolate (C1) that, like Methotrexate, potentialy inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and downstream one-carbon metabolism. But C1 displays optimal efficacy in FPGS deficient contexts.

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