Veterinary Oncology Group – OnGo

BAS07677 Chiron en Bas 2-1 crop
bernard actie foto microscoop 2-1 crop
BAS07763 marit en microscoop 2-1 crop
C1 20x different focus organoid crop 2-1 beide organoids
BAS07772 Sara en Marit bij microscoop 2-1 crop
Foto rondleiding_2014_v02 (pdt)_BvN_klein 2-1 crop
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Oxford Laboratories Award for Best Endocrinology Paper 2022

Karin Sanders won the second place in the category of basis/translational research for our paper “Transcriptome sequencing reveals two subtypes of cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumors in dogs and identifies CYP26B1 as a potential new therapeutic target”.